I loved it and words of knowledge and prophecies were amazing for me and I’m sure for everyone the gifts were going to new levels I believe God is increasing his plan for the body of Christ moving them in position so he can release them upon the earth with his baptism of FIRE it's coming. I truly loved your hearts it was so evident that Christ lives in each one of you may he increase favor and blessing Giftings and anointing upon each one of you and giving you all the desires of your hearts plus much more and the Fathers love to experience him at a new level. God bless you all and thank you so much for being obedient to the will of our God.

I was raised as a Christian but there were some fundamentally dysfunctional issues with my family which continued to affect me well into my 30's. Through VMTC Jesus healed me of 20+ years of depression. Since then every member of my family has…

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