I've had a lot of discomfort for over a year now, and would often have tears streaming down my face - some probably thinking I was moved, but the reality was it was due to an uncomfortable irritation, at times bordering on pain in my throat when trying to sing. As a result I have only lead worship once this year (back in February 18) and it was hard work.

This has been a crippling experience affecting my ability to sing, lead worship in church and have personal times of worship. I felt robbed of something that is very dear to me.

When asked if I would lead worship at the VMTC school, my response was one of faith, believing, not just for the Lord's sustaining but that I would be healed.

Praise God! He is a faithful healer just as He says. I've sung all week with no pain and with a freedom I've not had (vocally) since at least last year. If there are any tears this week, they were for joy and thankfulness to the Lord for His care.

VMTC ministry brought me into freedom from things that I hadn’t received healing from in nearly 40 years as a Christian believer. I like it because VMTC ministry: works, (like an encounter with Jesus)continues the work of Jesus as described in…

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