VMTC ministry brought me into freedom from things that I hadn’t received healing from in nearly 40 years as a Christian believer.

I like it because VMTC ministry:

  • works, (like an encounter with Jesus)
  • continues the work of Jesus as described in Luke 4 and Isaiah 61,
  • is delivered by fellow believers, not only by ministers, and
  • requires confession of and repentance from sin, as well as forgiving those who have sinned against us.

I keep coming back, because I want to see others receive healing, freedom and forgiveness from the things that would otherwise hold them back from the full freedom Jesus wants them to have.

The first school that I did was a true blessing, I received much blessing and learned so much about prayer & healing, from a great team, I came away from the first school on fire, this was back in Oct 2014

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Organise an Information Seminar and we'll come to your church group to discuss personal prayer ministries, 'Freed to Live' training events and how to become a prayer minister.

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