About 4 years ago I went to a “Freed to Live” seminar where the teaching made a lot of sense. They said Christians can carry unresolved hurt and it limits our freedom in life. They also spoke about spiritual warfare, how God wants us healed, and has provided the way.

At the time I thought “I’m a Christian I’m OK”, but asked for a session, as I was about to get married (2nd time) and it was suggested it’d be a good time to have a clean out.

The standouts from that ministry session are; it was free of judgement, I knew a supernatural exchange had occurred and it opened a door in my relationship with God I’d not experienced before, despite 35 years as a Christian. I knew I wanted to go further.

A simple observation in teaching that resonated for me is “hurt people hurt people”. I found the ministry to be a safe place to express the facts about my battles and disappointments and practice the timeless biblical principles of confession, forgiveness and release to God. The prayer that followed brought supernatural power and truth. It was freeing and empowering.

I've learned I'm a work in progress and God heals layer apon layer, as I’ve moved from questioning, to trusting God and giving Him full access.

In my role as a prayer minister it has concreted the reality for me that this ministry is a powerful vehicle used by God to remove the clutter we all need to be free from. God has demonstrated that to me in my own experience AND through the release I see on the faces of others. He IS BIG enough, and takes us across the threshold, by His amazing love for us in Jesus. By His stripes we are healed.

This ministry has me excited by the truth I now see; God keeps His promises, despite my doubts. His goodness toward us His children is just as real as the goodness He showed Job, Joseph & David. God’s ways are far above my understanding! He is faithful and never wastes a hurt! Joseph said “What the enemy intended for harm, God uses for good”

I’m more aware of the enemies’ deceitful ways and the authority we have in Jesus. I’ve persevered in many ways, between using my strength and God’s strength. I now know resting in God’s ABSOLUTE TRUTH, that HE is TOTALLY GOOD and BIGGER than any mountain, this is where I am free to live!

It is hard to express just how much I have changed from the prayer school only a few days ago! Already I have had 3 people (non believers) comment on the change in me and that has given me the opening to share Jesus with them - Praise God!. I am…

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